
Check Out This New Lamp That Glows When You Care For It!


When you think about a lamp that has feelings, what comes to mind? A company called Biological & Popular Culture – BioPop, has came up with a very cool virtual pet called Dino Pet that contains very small bio-luminescent planktons that glow in the dark with their own inner light.  The micro-organisms called dinoflagellates are placed inside a transparent plastic shell filled with salt water in order to keep them alive.  The lamp is also said to receive its name from the bio-luminescent planktons.

In order to allow the micro-organisms to thrive and provide light in the dark, you will have to care for it like a plant. This will include placing the Dino Pet in indirect light in the day and then at night if you give it a slight shake, the planktons will be stimulated and they will begin to glow. You will also have to put some liquid nutrients into its stomach every once in a while to keep the planktons happy.

The amount of light that is given off will depend on how much you care for the Dino Pet, or rather, the planktons that are concealed inside the stomach of the container. This simply means that if you provide it with tons of care, the planktons will put on a stunning and beautiful show after a slight shake.

[vimeo 88713129 w=500 h=281]

Dino Pet // a living bioluminescent pet from BioPop on Vimeo.

The creation of the BioPop biological lamp/pet/toy was inspired by the company’s initiative to create a sustainable bio-light. After coming across the dinoflagellates, they then set out to create a receptacle to contain them, creating an unusual and artistic living lamp. The lamp is available for purchase in the US carrying a price tag of  $59.95.

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