
Battle Ensues Between Man and Swan During Cygnet Rescue Operation

Swans are elegant creatures and while not fearsome and destructive they are extremely protective on their babies (cygnets) and personal space. Founder of U.K. rescue organization Wildlife Aid, Simon  Cowell experienced the difficulty in dealing with Swans in particular the dad (cob) first hand.

The story unfolds when Cowell got a call alerting him to the fact that there was a cygnet stuck in a chain linked fence and that all attempts to help release it were futile as regular citizens feared the bruising they would take from an angry cob. In order to relieve the tension between man and swan, Cowell who was having dinner at home during that time decided to put his meal on hold to engage in a rescue operation in order to release the cygnet.

There were certainly going to be no promises made as to how easy the rescue would be and it turned out to be a handful. Once Cowell had arrived at his destination, removing the cygnet in itself was not difficult but an angry cob was not going to sit by and let the trained professional have his own way. Several quick knocks with its wings on the arm of Cowell was enough to distract him from his mission. However after “talking” some sense into the cob while trying to rescue the cygnet, all was forgiven. The rescue proved successful as the cygnet was reunited with its six other siblings, dad and two other adult swans.

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