
Apple’s plan to bring iPhone Apps Offline

Apple has released a bundle of products for end users that are online available to download from internet. Certain facts show that in future Apple will put iPhone applications offline too. It is really amazing news.

Network connection is compulsory to get app. It doesn’t matter you are going to use iTunes on PC or App store that is present in to your iPhone. What you need firstly is network connection. Apple is trying to provide pre-paid credits in devices. These credits would be same as iTunes Gift Cards that you use. According to Apple future plan, if your device is offline, it will start to update number of credits that is present into your account, that you used and online purchased contents.

Now you would definitely think how it is possible for Apple? Fortunately it is possible. Read below explanation to see the answer.

Any time when your device goes to online, it will cache or store all the updates and contents which are paid by you. Restriction will be applied that will not allow you to get contents unless you make payment. You will be allowed to search iTunes Store and app store. If you want to purchase something then you will pay for it on your own device by using stored credits in your account. Immediately, you will get desired content without accessing network connection.

Now be patient and wait for this amazing Apple trick. Apple is going to plan for it. Hope for the best.

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