
Whether Snow, Mud Or Sand, There’s No Type Of Terrain That This Wheelchair Can’t Withstand

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People who are bound to wheelchairs will know that getting around during the winter season can be very much difficult, especially if there is an excessive amount of snowfall. Due to this hassle that they endure to do their regular moving around outdoors routine, they find themselves confined to their homes. This problem does not only occur just when there is snowfall, but simply when their is much terrain such as sand, mud, and ice, and we know the conventional wheelchairs just won’t do in these types of conditions. A new rugged all-terrain wheelchair called Der Ziesel is however here to solve all this problems.

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The user of the wheelchair is able to control it with a joystick and is able to go about feeling warm and snug in adverse weather, thanks to its built-in automated heating system. It also features LED lighting for times when in the dark, and an electric motor and double suspension.

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Thanks to being able to maintain its balance, the user is able to traverse rough terrain without having to worry about falling out of the chair, or being flipped over. In addition to the joystick control, there are buttons that allow the chair seat to be risen so that the person sitting in it can easily get in an out by being slowly tilted until they can stand up and manoeuvre out of the chair.

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The price tag of the Der Ziesel wheelchair starts from around $25,000. Check out the chair in action in the video below. Who said you had to be disabled to enjoy the sweet ride offered by this badass wheelchair?


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