
Top Ten Ship Wrecks

Ships are born to face hardships, struggle and wrecks. It takes more than two years to build a normal sized economical ship capable of sailing in the normal and smooth weather, it takes a lot of time, money and man power. Hundreds of ship wrecks take place every year in the whole world covering minor to major ship wrecks. Ship wreck accidents provide a serious threat to the economy and well being of a country. A single ship wreck has the capability to cripple the economy by shutting  employment opportunities for its individuals. Here are some of the examples which claimed huge economical and human life loses. The world still shakes from the name of these mighty ships which claimed to be the best of the best in this world but stood no chance against the brutality of nature.

10 Steamship S.S. Republic, 1865

  • Date of Ship Wreck: The Steam Ship SS Republic’s wreck dates back to October, 1865.
  • Place of Wreck: The ship wrecked about 100 miles off the Georgia coast.
  • Goods carried: The Ship carried with it the some expensive goods usually silver and gold.
  • Cause of Wreck: The Wreck was caused due to the violent gale off the Georgia Coast
  • Loss of Human Life: Luckily the passengers and crew managed to leave the ship successfully, resulting in zero percent life loss.
  • Economic Loss: The ship was filled with tons of silver, gold coins and ingots which was supposed to be transported West Coast to help rebuild the war-ravaged south. The wreck provided the country a serious setback making a huge loss and economical crisis.
  • Salvage: The efforts for the recovery of SS republic proved to be one of the largest and richest find in the history of salvaging success. The recovery yielded with over 51,000 U.S. gold and silver coins with nearly 14,000 artifacts.


Steamship S.S. Republic



9 Great Lakes Ore Carrier Edmund Fitzgerald, 1975

  • Date of Ship Wreck:  The most famous ship wreck took place on November 10, 1975
  • Place of Wreck: The ship wrecked in the Great Lakes, It is one of the roughest waters to sail upon.
  • Goods carried: Only useful goods were carried no records found that it carried silver and gold.
  • Cause of Wreck: The Ore Carrier Edmund fall prey to the vicious gale, unfavorable weather, 30 feet huge tides. Eventually disappeared and got grounded to the sea bed.
  • Loss of Human Life: All of the crew, consisting of 29 members drowned with her.
  • Economic Loss: No such effect on the Economy.
  • Salvage: Surveys were done to dig out the original cause behind the ship wreck and was found that 800 long bottom was completely destroyed by the tides causing the ship to sink in a mere minutes.


Great Lakes Ore Carrier Edmund Fitzgerald


Great Lakes Ore Carrier Edmund Fitzgerald



8 Union Ironclad U.S.S. Monitor, 1862

  • Date of Ship Wreck: The Ship Wreck took place in the year 1862.
  • Place of Wreck: The Ship sank near Cape Hatteras, Virginia.
  • Goods carried: It was a first full metal, turreted war ship. It was used in the warfare.
  • Cause of Wreck: The reason for the wreckage is same as stated for the above mentioned wreckages. The Ship fought for many hours against the vicious and notorious gale off the Cape Hatteras, Virginia.
  • Loss of Human Life: Sixteen members of her crew lost their lives in the mishap.
  • Economic Loss: The ship was only one of its kinds and the mishap contributed as an end to revolutionary ships of its era.
  • Salvage: The exact location of the ship was obtained in the year 1973, 16 miles off the Virginia coast. The recovery yielded with a massive steam engine and then in year 2002 its revolutionary turret came out to the surface.


Union Ironclad U.S.S. Monitor


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