
Top 10 Videos That You’ll Never Find On Internet

7. Timothy Treadwell Death Tape

7. Timothy Treadwell Death TapeTimothy Treadwell was mauled by a bear along with this girlfriend, Amie Huguernard, at Katmai National Park. Timothy was a bear enthusiast and use to take an annual trip to the park. He got much media attention for his time spent with the bears but he was criticized by professionals for the lack of protective gear during his encounters. On his last trip in 2003, he decided to stay another week to spot a bear that had not been seen during the summer. He loved spending time with the grizzly bears in their natural surroundings and took tons of photos and had taped several hours of videos. He died on 5th October 2003 when he was mauled by a bear. The video exists but it only has audio and video has a black screen. Probably they tuned on the camera and left the lid on or maybe the camera got turned on in the bag. Timothy can be heard screaming and after a while Amie as well. The bear just grunts and not much is heard from the bear. The video is now in a bank locker, put there by his ex-girlfriend.


6. Karla Homolka Tapes

6. Karla Homolka TapesPaul Bernardo terrorized the community of Scarborough, Ontario during 1980s and early 1990s. The man was a rapist and used to abduct women and then raped them. Once the authorities realized that there is a rapist in the midst of their community, they launched an investigation. Some 130 suspects were gathered and told to submit their DNA, Paul was one of them. In 1990 he got married to a girl named Karla Homolka. He was infatuated with her younger sister and in time convinced her to allow Paul to drug and rape the younger sister, Tammy Homolka. The couple taped the whole incident and they even mocked her during the assault. Karla dressed up like Tammy pretending to be her during the recording. In 1990, the police gathered DNA evidence from 130 suspects in the case. One of the suspects was Paul Bernardo, who submitted DNA evidence and was released in November of 1990. On June 15, 1991, Paul kidnapped Leslie; the pair tortured her to the music of Bob Marley and David Bowie. The subsequent day she was killed. Again in April of 1992 they managed to kidnap Kristen French, she met the same fate as that of Leslie after being tortured horribly. 26 months later the DNA results came through and the pair were arrested. She cut a deal with the authorities and testified against Paul and got 12 years in jail. However Paul got life sentence and later led the police to the tapes.  The tapes showed Karla Homolka participating and instigating the crimes. She was seen sexually assaulting and drugging multiple victims without Bernardo in the room. The videos are kept away from the public eye and many even destroyed.


5. Christine Chubbuck’s Suicide Tape

5. Christine Chubbuck’s Suicide TapeChristine committed suicide on live television on July 15, 1974 during her program Suncoast Digest. She started her career with WXLT-TV as a reporter and eventually got the chance to host a talk show. Before her suicide, she was extremely depressed and she told her family that she had not had a boyfriend for a while back then. Just 3 weeks back she visited the local sheriff’s department to cover a story and discussed the risks affiliated with it. The sheriff told her that the best way to commit suicide is to shot oneself in the back of the head with a wad cutter target bullets. In the succeeding week she told a news editor that she brought a gun and joked about killing herself. She was told to focus on “blood and gut” stories rather than educational or inspirational news and this disappointed her.

On the morning of her suicide, Chubbuck told her co-workers that she had to read some news stories before starting her Suncoast Digest interview. Once she covered the stories she then talked about a shooting that took place at a restaurant at the Sarasota–Bradenton International Airport. The crew tried to play a short clipping of the shoot-out but the tape jammed and the camera went back to Chubbuck. At this time Christine spoke her last words: “In keeping with Channel 40’s policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts, and in living color, you are going to see another first, attempted suicide.” She then drew a gun and shot herself in the back of the right ear. It was reported that Chubbuck fell violently forward, hit her head on the desk, fell to the ground, and then began to violently twitch. The camera quickly went to black and the station ran a public service announcement. She died 14 hours after the shooting. The video was never aired and given to the family.


4. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Dropping the Bomb

4. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Dropping the BombTwo pressure cooker bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013 killing 3 people and injuring a few. Since the bombing was in a public area many took pictures and made videos. The FBI called upon everyone to submit the videos and pictures for investigation. A little into the investigation, FBI narrowed down the suspect list to two brothers, named; Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. They were found in the Boston suburbs of Watertown. A shoot-out took place killing a police officer and Tamerlan, Dzhokhar escaped only to be caught alive later on. The brothers were born in different areas of former Soviet Union and were half Chechen and half Avar. They were said to have strong Extremist Islamic believes. One of the video showed Tsarnaev dropping a backpack at the site of the second explosion. This is an extremely important piece of evidence that can be used to prove that Dzhokhar planted the bomb. For this reason, the video should be released under public domain for all to see after the trial has taken place.

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