
Top 10 Videos That You’ll Never Find On Internet

In the modern era, surveillance cameras have recorded many of the incidents that could never be recorded before. Of course, many of these videos are kept from the general public’s eye due to several reasons. Today’s article is about such videos that not only are real but also very hard to find on the internet.

10. Brussels Airport Diamond Heist Video

10. Brussels Airport Diamond Heist Video8 masked men stole diamonds worth $50 million on February 18, 2013 from a plane at Brussels Airport. They made their way into the airport by making a hole in the fence. They were dressed as policemen and wore masks. They entered precisely at the moment when the armor car was unloading the diamonds. They loaded 130 bags of uncut diamonds in mere 15 minutes onto their vehicles. Although they carried automatic weapons but they never shot a single round. It is said that the robbery is likely to be an inside job as the robbers had fair knowledge of an unlocked gate, the construction taking place and the timing too was spot on. They also worked their way around the hatch of the plane and it was assumed that they had military training. Since the majority of the diamonds are uncut, it’s very hard to trace them. Naturally the video is kept from the public, however few argue that the public might be able to identify the robbers through their mannerism or gait style.  In May 2013, the police of France, Switzerland and Belgium caught over 2 dozen men thought to be involved in the robbery. Case is still going on.


9. Sesame Street Episode 847

9. Sesame Street Episode 847One of the most watched children TV shows of all time “the Sesame Street” aired an episode on February 10, 1976, episode number 87, in which Margaret Hamilton dressed up as the Wicked Witch of the West. Margaret and the crew of the show little knew that this would end up freaking kids out. Margaret was aware that the impact on the children might not be as pleasant so during the show she kept on explaining that she had dressed up as a witch but this act did not yield fruitful result. The story of the episode goes like that the witch had lost her broom and it ends up with David. She threatens David to get it back but fails despite trying different schemes. Meanwhile, Oscar the Grouch becomes her friend. Once the episode was aired parents complained that the children were scared, some even had trouble sleeping. Worried, the crew of the show even conducted an experiment; they called on the willing children to see the episode again in the presence of their parents. It was difficult to see the emotion of fear in the children due to the presence of their parents. At the end it was decided that the production should never show this episode again, and so did it happen. It is impossible to find the video on the internet and even on DVD’s.


8. Armin Meiwes Tapes

8. Armin Meiwes TapesThis is rather a disturbing story and in my opinion it’s better that the videos of this incident be kept from the public. In 2001, Armin Meiwes posted an advertisement on the website “The Cannibal Café” to find a willing participant to be “slaughtered and eaten”. Surprisingly Bernd Jurgen Armando Brandes responded to the call. They met in Rotenburg in March 2001, at Meiwes house where Brandes was killed. He filmed the entire event. The details will not be discussed due to disturbing nature. In the next 10 months Meiwes consumed around 20 kg of flesh. He grounded up the bones of Brandes into fine powder as to use it as cooking flour. He recorded all this which was eventually seized by the authorities. In December 2002, Meiwes was arrested when he posted another advertisement and someone reported. He was sentenced 8 years since Brandes was a willing victim, however the case was re-opened in 2006 and he got a life sentence. It is reported that he became a vegetarian in the prison and according to him there are some 800 cannibals living in Germany.

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