
Top 10 Most Deadly Hobbies

3. Summit/Rock Climbing

3 Summit.Climbing a tree is one thing but climbing a mountain, well let’s just say its way more technical. The precautions needed are plenty for this to be safe. Equipment necessary includes ropes, metal clasps, oxygen tanks etc. but that’s not the least of the problems when you can even die from harsh weather conditions, lack of food, or just God’s Will and an avalanche. Normally the chances of dying from rock climbing are about 1 in 1750. However, if we just counted mountain climbing in Nepal, then it would be the deadliest hobby on Earth, with a death rate of 1 in 167!



2. Motocross/Motorcycle Racing

2 Motor cycle racingMotorcycle racing- pfffft- not tricky at all unless you add 30-foot high jumps! Let’s throw in some competition too. Okay, now speed up and execute different tricks! That’s it, that’s how it’d done. But make sure you wear your helmet and crash gear, for in case you burst your bike’s tyre, well, then say goodbye to your life and someone else’s in the audience stands. 1 in every 1,000 bikers dies while racing.



1. Hang Gliding

1. Hang GlidingHang gliding is pretty high among these deadly hobbies, for the higher you go the more you’re dependent upon the weather and even so you might get unconscious due to low pressure. Equipment malfunction and wind currents is way more common here than in parachuting or even base jumping. And worst of all avoid hitting cliff’s without any engines.1 in every 560 gliders will perish.


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