
Top 10 Medical Technologies of Future

7. Brain Cells from Urine

7This may sound gross, but in the future you might have to save your pee and let the scientists turn it into your brain cells. Yeah well, as a source it’s freely available and you’d definitely want to use your own urine rather someone else’s. Okay, enough of that. Scientists were using embryonic cells for this purpose before but the side-effects were the formation of tumor. However, they have tested this procedure and the results are so far good. The implantation were successful with cells converting into neutrons without any mutations.



6. Electric Underwear

6Err, yeah we know-awkward. Bear with us, eh? Okay, so patients who have to stay on beds for days or weeks or months are likely to develop bed sores. Bed sores are basically open wounds formed by the lack of circulation and compressed skin. Now this may come as a surprise, but roughly about sixty thousand people die each year because of these bed sores in America. Canadian researcher Sean Dukelow, has come up with the solution; the electric underpants. These underpants also known as Smart E Pants deliver a small electric charge every ten minutes and that much is enough to activate the muscles and increment in circulation. The effect is same as if you were walking around on your own. This awkward invention will save a lot of lives! [youtube][/youtube]


5. Pollen Vaccines

5Why are most of the vaccines injected and not take orally? Okay, they are too easy for your digestive system and stomach acid dissolves them resulting in their breakdown and the end result is them rendering useless. Flower pollen on the other hand is a very common allergen and is very much able to resist the acidy-power of human stomach.  Texas Tech University is conducting research to combine the two and come up with vaccines that can eventually be given to soldiers stationed abroad. Lead researcher, Harvinder Gill is hoping to extract the allergen from the pollen and inject the vaccine into it. This hard work would soon affect how humans are being vaccinated.



4. Printed Bones

4ProMetal 3D printer and technology has made it possible for scientists to ‘print’ a hybrid material that has the same properties as real bones. This was made possible at Washington State University. This hybrid model can be placed in the body where the fracture of bone has occurred and can be used as scaffolding while the bone heals and re-builds. The real research target was to come up with the right material for the job. The material has been tested on rabbits and it works! In fact, using this material combined with stem cells, the bone grew faster than normal.  The material has been made up with a combination of Zinc, silicon and calcium phosphate. This technology will not just stop at bones; scientists are hoping to ‘print’ full organs once they’ve cracked the problem of materials to use for this.


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