
Top 10 Hackers who got caught

3. Raphael Gray

Raphael was arrested by the FBI at his home on the 23 March 2000. Police and FBI agents arrived in the morning. It was supposed that he had intruded into nine e-commerce websites in Britain, America, Canada, Thailand and Japan and taken details of some 26,000 credit card numbers and disclosed some of the credit card information on the Internet. Raphael, who was only 18 at the time give details to the police and FBI when he was dialogued that he had been worried for sometime at the intrinsic security weakness in one exacting create of software called “Microsoft Internet Information Server”. This intrinsic flaw enabled distant users to entrée information stored on computers using this software. Raphael explained he had contacted a number of e-commerce sites using this software and pointed out the security weakness but they had ignored him, and he had also contacted Bill Gates, the Microsoft Chief who again ignored him.

2. Jonathan James

Perhaps James’/c0mrade’s greatest claim to fame is that at 16, he became the first juvenile hacker sent to prison. However, his offenses were legitimate and serious. His highest-profile crime occurred when he compromised NASA computers and stole software worth $1.7 million. Another major offense came when he installed backdoor access into the servers of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which is responsible for monitoring biological, chemical, conventional, nuclear, and special weapon threats to the U.S.

1. Gary McKinnon

Gary McKinnon, the Britain blamed of hacking Pentagon and NASA computer networks, faces an increasingly antagonistic weather on cyber security in the US if his exile is approved this week. He trespassed the networks of the U.S. Army, Air Force, Department of Defense, NASA, and Navy. The thing he required was the evidences of aliens and their space shuttle or spacecraft, which he could use to resolve the global energy disaster. McKinnon’s case is still continuing and his lawyers assert that he is worthy of special deliberation because he is bothered with Asperger’s Syndrome.









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