
Top 10 Amazing Customized Vehicles Around The World

In today’s world, vehicle is a necessity, whether it is for pleasure or as a functional need. We all want to have the best things and some people just make sure that they have something unique when it comes to cars. All around the world, people customize their cars as per their need and even as a hobby. The car industry is ever growing and people often come up with innovative ways to pimp their rides. Here are the top 10 customized vehicles from around the world.

10. Dekotora (Japan)

10. Dekotora (Japan)The Japanese have their own way of doing things. They are rich in innovation and creativity and are not afraid to show it when it comes to their trucks. These truck are uniquely customized as no two trucks are the same. The owners do their best to make the trucks as outlandish as they can. Tangled lights, decals and massive chrome fixtures are few attributes attached with the trucks. Dekotora is as abbreviation of “decoration truck”. Naturally the trucks are originally used to transport goods. The owners stop to compare trucks whenever they can along the way.



9. Tourist Buses (Thailand)

9. Tourist Buses (Thailand)The only tourist bus that would stand out on the streets of Bangkok would be the one with regular paintjob. This is because of the fact that owners decorate their tourist buses. Yes, these buses are painted by professionals who have been in this line of work their whole lives and the variety of colors hold no bound. The buses also features cartoons ranging from Disney characters to anime ones. They add color to the streets of Thailand. Not your average sight, eh?



8. Choppers (U.S.A.)

8. Choppers (U.S.A.)The chopper culture goes way back and then it saw a decline. However in the 2000’s the culture was revived. With new technological means to put your innovation into reality, the American public let it all out and created some wicked choppers. With the integration of brands like the “West coast Choppers”, the new generations showed interest. Today the streets are full of choppers roaming around with loud noise and powerful engines. What started off as an exciting thing to do after the WWII, has evolved into a culture and an ideology over the years.


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