
‘Promising’ iPhone 4S Unlock Discovered

On this weekend, an announcement had been made by Musclenerd, perhaps the most vocal member of disreputable iPhone Dev Team, that the iPhone 4S unlock is already in the process.

Those who follow Musclenerd on Twitter must be having a good idea about this development. Musclenerd wrote on Twitter, “Crazy Thanksgiving weekend! Very promising 4S unlock is in the works (Not i4, just 4S..that’s crazy part).”

However, in my opinion it would be rather sensible for the Dev Team to hold back the launch of any significant exploits until the launch of iOS 5.0.2.

Tests are, however, being carried out by Apple to eradicate several issues taking place with the software currently, like battery drain bug that’s either targeting the users who have upgraded to iOS 5 or who have bought an iPhone 4S with pre-installed software.

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