
Prevent Safari from launching iTunes automatically

Sometimes, when any of your friend or somebody else sends a link of any album in iTunes store or any app from Apple store then Safari browser automatically detects it and gives you all information regarding that link including song previews, reviews and many other. Besides this iTunes also shows you the same information that you got from Safari. Are you in search of way to stop the Safari from launching the iTunes automatically? Here you will see the easiest way to stop auto launching iTunes and that is using Software Update to upgrade to browser Safari 5.

Safari 5 supports extension and to enable them open Safari and click on “Preferences”. Now select “Advanced” tab from menu and check the box “Show Develop menu in menu bar”. Develop menu will appear at top of your mobile screen. Choose Enable Extensions option from here. That’s it!

After enabling the extensions, you need to download the ingenious NoMoreiTunes extension that is available for free. Once you downloaded this extension into mobile device, you are all set. Now you will no more receive information automatically from Safari browser. If you still want to get the iTunes from any previous webpage then you can launch it by clicking on View button in iTunes located at left side margin. Enjoy!

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