
Over 1 Million Unlocked iPhones Run On T-Mobile’s Network

Indeed, it was good to know the iPhone finally come to Verizon this last February, but few carriers still exist here in the US that don’t officially carry Apple’s revolutionary smartphone, T-Mobile being one of them.

However, now that T-Mobile has been acquired by T-Mobile, situation may change sometime in the future given that AT&T acquired T-Mobile from Deutsche Telekom for a cool $39 billion. Of course, that deal still has to pass anti-trust scrutiny but some folks basically aren’t willing to wait that long.

During this week’s NYC Pepcom event, a T-Mobile spokesperson the carrier stated that currently the carrier has over 1 million unlocked iPhones running on its network.

When asked for a breakdown, the spokesman said the major chunk was of pre-iPhone 4 but that a significant amount of people had “taken the scissors” to their T-Mobile SIM cards.  T-Mobile doesn’t presently offer a Micro-SIM solution for Apple’s iPhone 4 so people who want to use the iPhone 4 must modify their SIMs into MicroSIMs.

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