
Now Users Can Add The Recent Dock

Apple’s Operating system Mac has a lot of features that are favorable in their own ways and quite exciting to get familiar with yet there are a few backdrops that add frustration among users, correcting these problems could create ease and let the user experience windows in a better way.

For instance one of the features that Apple does not allow its users to experience on its Operating System is the feature of accessing the recent. There is no recent tab in the system panel and users would have to look up programs in their own manner. This problem can easily be solved with the help of adding the following command in the terminal to access the recent dock in the system panel.

“defaults write persistent-others -array-add ‘{ “tile-data” = { “list-type” = 1; }; “tile-type” = “recents-tile”; }”

Enter this command and restart the dock and you would be able to locate the recent dock in the panel. The dock would be available next to the trash icon and in order to change the order right click on it and select the order you wish to apply. This feature is great to get along with and the user can get along with its experience finding it comfortable.



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