
Jailbreak Website for iPad 2 is now available

It’s a good news that jailbreak website is easily accessible for iPad 2. Till yesterday some support was being added in iOS 4.3.3 but now it’s added in JailbreakMe 3.0. So for that purpose you need to upgrade your iPad 2 from iOS 4.3, 4.3.1, and 4.3.2 to iOS 4.3.3 so that JailbreakMe could easily support it.

In order to upgrade and jailbreak your iPad 2 all the potential jailbreakers must save iOS 4.3.3 SHSH blobs and especially those who have upgraded latest beta of iOS 5. The jailbreak for iPad 2 came after a long time of patience for the users but certain changes in the hardware create a difficulty for a bootrom exploit to jailbreak your iPad 2. It is basically a PDF based exploit for iPad 2 and if APPLE releases the iOS 4.3.4 in coming days then you should not be upgrading to that version.

So you should immediately visit and jailbreak your iPad 2 which is running on iOS 4.3.3.

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