
Daylight savings time alarm bug in iPhone and its fix

Daylight savings time is used over the world to save energy and utilize day light in daily routine. Usually for certain period of time, the daylight savings timings are observed. When you see the date is coming up when the timings will be reversed back, you might have confusion over alarm timings on that particular day. So here is a fix for alarm bug in iPhone for daylight savings time period.

  • Because of the unfamiliarity to daylight savings time, the iPhone cannot adjust timings itself back to original. For that, you have to set it yourself in order to avoid waking up one hour late.
  • So to fix it, you can create an alarm and set it from options as one time only. So on that particular day, the alarm will ring up on time which you have set. The repeated alarm creates the bug, but this specific selection will not effect on alarm ringing.
  • Moreover, Apple has made a permanent fix to this bug and it will be released shortly for different versions of iOS. With introduction of this fix, this alarm bug will remain no more in iPhone.

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