
Create Trance Music Using Google Translate Beatbox

It works, but the most important question is how long was this person on google translate before they discovered how to make this happen. Hmmm curious. Though if you read the original Reddit post,people are adding their own beat box hits to try.

“One enterprising redditor named harrichr found that it is possible to make Google Translate’s audio function generate a beatbox sound. Here’s the process.

1) Go to Google Translate

2) Set the translator to translate German to German

3) Copy + paste the following into the translate box: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch

4) Click “listen”

If you make your music using beatbox, pl leave the “music text” in comments for all of us to enjoy 🙂

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