
Compressing Images with iPhone OS 4

In iphone OS 4 a new improved feature has been induced which is the ability to compress the photos and images sent from other iphones and iOS operating devices.

This feature gives four basic size options to the user: Small, Medium, Large, and Actual Size. This feature is not only serves this but also serves nicely in sending pictures to other recipients. This app is beneficial to reduce the iphone data consumption which is very important for data plans.

To make this feature applicable you are required to

  1. take a picture from the iOS 4 device
  2. then go to mail this picture
  3. A new screen will popup showing the options
  4. choose the appropriate options as desired
  5. it will be compressed accordingly

This feature has been launched in all iOS 4 operating devices and ipod touch too.   This continuous inducement of features is the specialty of the iOS devices which enables the customers to remain intact with the manufacturer building loyalty and retention on both sides. Many more applications are introduced on daily basis which are available on the iTunes support center telling the ratings and features to the user.

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