
9 Funny Idioms From Around The World Illustrated

From poets to politicians, we all sometimes use idioms to describe situations. Even during the times when we are trying our very best to avoid them because we might think that they are unfit for an occasion, we might still end up quoting one. The most unusual thing about these quotes is that they always tend to express a sentiment other than their literal meaning. We can relate to the popular one “it’s raining cats and dogs” which’s figurative meaning is that it is raining heavily. It won’t be surprising to hear that different cultures have varying idioms that they use. Check out these interesting idioms from around the world and their originating countries.


1. “Into The Mouth Of A Wolf” (Italian) [Figurative Meaning: Good Luck!]

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2. “A Cat’s Jump” (German) [Figurative Meaning: A Short Distance]

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3. “To Ride As A Hare” (Russian) [Figurative Meaning: To Travel Without A Ticket]

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4. “To Have A Wide Face” (Japanese) [Figurative Meaning: To Have Many Friends]

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5. “To Have A Stick In Your Ear” (Danish) [Figurative Meaning: To Not Listen To Someone]

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6. “To Feed The Donkey Sponge Cake” (Portuguese) [Figurative Meaning: To Give Really Good Treatment To Someone Who Doesn’t Need It]

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7. “To Give Someone Pumpkins” (Spanish) [Figurative Meaning: To Reject Someone]

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8. “Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys” (Polish) [Figurative Meaning: Not My Problem]

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9. “To Have The Midday Demon” (French) [Figurative Meaning: To Have Midlife Crisis]

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