
20 Notes Written By Kids That Are Funnier Than Many Comedians

It’s funny to see when a kid writes a note and they use the big words that they can’t even spell. While it’s funny to see how they spelt the word, it also makes us proud to see them trying their best, and you and I would agree that they do actually sound the way they have spelt them in their letters.

These notes that they have written on the other hand, whether it be an apology or a greeting, always make us end up agreeing to say that kids do say the darnedest things. In an apology letter, they might really mean that they are sorry but why they did their naughty deed is always the funny part. It’s also nice to see when they appreciate you by writing.

If you’re looking to have a great laugh to today, checking out this compilation of notes written by kids. Have a great laugh today!


1. Sister In My Housekid note 1

Author: Jonathan

Grade: 2nd Grade


2. I’m Sorry Ben

kid note 2


Author: Zachary

Age: 8


3. A Math Homework Mystery

kid note 3Author: Ben

Age: 8


4. You Can Be My NEXT Boyfriend

kid note 4



5. Three Sentences That Mean The World

kid note 5

Author: Josiah

Age: 12


6. An Opinion Question

kid note 6


7. Dear Bill Clinton,

kid note 7


Author: Young “Scooter” Cheeks


8. Fantasy vs. Reality

kid note 9

Author: Alex

Age: 9


9. Dad Has Been Cranky

kid note 10

Author: Lucy

Age: 7


10. If The Shoe Fits…

kid note 8




11. Happy Early Mother’s Day


kid note 11


12. T is for…

kid note 12


13. Say, Listen and Circle

kid note 13

Author: Ascha

Age: 5


14. The Daddy Guilt Trip

kid note 14



15. Positive Ways Our Family Deals With Stress

kid note 15


16. Matthew Had 20 Girlfriends…

kid note 16

Author: Matthew

Age: 8


17. Sisterly Love?

kid note 17

Author: Audrey

Age: 6


18. Goals For 2013

kid note 18

Author: Edwin

Age: 6


19. A Letter To The Tooth Fairy

kid note 19

Author: Emerson

Age: 7


20. Your Dad Is The WHAT?

kid note 20

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