
15 Cool Kitchen Tools That Would Make Your House Chef Laugh

Being the one that has to slave away in the terrible heats of the kitchen is not so cool. Neither does having to be very careful and well-timed, when your food is going to be judged by your friends and family that will gobble up what you’ve spend your hard earn time preparing. Having to be the person to sweat away in the heat of the kitchen however doesn’t have to be so uncool. When the going gets tough these cute kitchen tools ought to make you smile.

Some creative companies supplying kitchen tools have came up with a great way to transform the tools into characters. A tea infuser for example was transformed to look like a shark’s fin when it is placed in a glass. If you’re the one that spends the least time in the kitchen a cool kitchen gift like these below will definitely bring laughter to your cook’s face and show them that you appreciate them.


1. Brain Freezer Ice Cube Mold

kitchen tool 1



2. Rock N’ Roll Kitchen Gloves

kitchen tool 2



3. Nose-Shaped Pepper Mill

kitchen tool 3


4. Plate Of Tug-Of-War 



5. Bubble-Maker Scrub

kitchen tool 5



6. Chicken Bottle Stopper

kitchen tool 6


7. Panda Toast Stamp

kitchen tool 7

kitchen tool 7.1


8. Deep Tea Diver Infuser

kitchen tool 8


9. Nessie Soup Ladle

kitchen tool 9


10. Blood Splash Set

kitchen tool 10


11. Mr. Tea Infuser

kitchen tool 11

kitchen tool 11.1


12. Popcorn Maker

kitchen tool 12


13. Unicorn Sprinkler Shaker

kitchen tool 13




14. Hot Man Trivet

kitchen tool 14

kitchen tool 14.1


15. Jeans Muffin Form

kitchen 15

kitchen tool 15.1


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