
10 Things Apple is Worth More Than

You probably hate Apple, but admit it, the brand has exemplary power. Anything with Apple’s logo on it sells like hot cakes now-a-days. Established in 1976, Apple has since grown to be true giant in the field of technology and has seen its worth increase exponentially over the recent years. Today, we try to put Apple’s worth in perspective by comparing it with other giant entities.

No 10. National Football League

With average franchise in the National Football League worth over a billion dollars and Dallas cowboys evaluated at $1.85 billion, the NFL stands at a total worth of $33 billion. Apple stands at more than 15 times that; at $506 billion in stock market value.

No 9. Apollo Space Program

What put man on the moon cost around $160 billion, inflation adjusted, which puts Apple at worth more than 3 times the Apollo space program. I wonder where Apple can put a man with that much money.

No 8. American Civil War

Undoubtedly the most deadly and horrible conflict in American history, the Civil War was the cause of many lives lost which cannot be measured, but its cost is put at around $80 billion in damages. Apple is more than 6 times bigger than those losses.

No 7. American Beef Market

With so much beef consumed, it would be a surprise to some that even that cannot match Apple’s power. With 26.4 billion pounds of beef consumed in 2010 costing $74 billion, it still is no match for Apple in terms of money.

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