
10 Pictures Of Dogs Acting Like Humans

Dogs are a man’s best friend and because of that, they begin to act more and more like us. These days in viral videos on Youtube we see dogs skateboarding, eating around tables, wearing clothes and even getting tucked into bed to go to sleep. Thinking about this, it seems that these unique animals have picked up more human traits than we would even imagine. Check out these ten pictures here of dogs acting like humans. You might find yourself saying that your not totally sure that these are in fact dogs and not humans.


1. Playing Soccer

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I wonder if he’s a striker or a defender. This pup looks like he is ready to take on a game of soccer!


2. Having a cold beer

Dog Act Like Human 2This dog is in for a treat to a nice cold beer. I hope he’s no younger than 21!


3.  Working from 9 to 5

dog acting like human 2In order to take care of your family, you’ve got to work for some money. This dog works at a convenience store to take care of his family.


4.  Celebrating a birthday

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This dog is celebrating his birthday like a human as he sat in his own comfy birthday chair, wore a birthday hat, and even had his own cake. He even smiled for the camera too!


5. Graduating from high school

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These four buds gathered together to take a picture at their high school graduation. Graduating from the high school of learning to act like humans ofcourse!


6. Mowing the lawn

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Soon enough you won’t have to worry about your lawn, because like this dog, your dog will mow the lawn for you. This probably means that you also won’t have to clean up after their poop.


7. Getting tucked into bed

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8. Playing the piano

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Just one day this dog might become one of the greatest pianist like Ludwig van Beethoven.


9. Riding A Bike

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Norman is an outdoor lover as he is always outside riding his own bike.


10. Taking a selfie

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Everybody is taking selfies these days. Its by no surprise that this dog took his own selfie too.

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