
10 Hidden Treasures Around The World

3. Lost treasures of Antilla

3. Lost treasures of AntillaThe ship, Antilla, is also known as the Ghost ship by the locals. One needs to dive near the North Point of Aruba to find the wreckage. The story about this treasure tells us that Antilla was anchored at the North Shore when it was asked to surrender. The ship’s captain considered his options on shore while he left the ship’s seacock open which ended up in explosion and sinking of the ship along with the treasures on board. The Ghost ship is considered a tribute to the German soldiers of World War II.

 2. Apache Indian Treasures

2. Apache Indian TreasuresOnce again, we find ourselves at a Hollywood movie set; a cursed treasure, belonging to Apache Indian who earned it by looting a wagon train. The fortune they managed to take was loads of silver coins and gold dust and this was hidden in a Dutch oven which is considered to be hidden, beneath rocks, at Winchester Mountain in Arizona. Although the location is said to be cursed, treasure hunters have not been able to keep away from this treasure and they are trying hard to get their hands on it.

1. Lost Adams Diggings

1. Lost Adams DiggingsThis one involves the Apache Indians again. There is a canyon, Lost Adams Diggings in western New Mexico where in early 1860s Adams and a team of miners found gold nuggets which were hidden what Adams called ‘corn –grinding basin’. Adams left the site on second night and it is rumored that the miners who stayed behind were killed by the Apache Indians. Adams was never able to find ‘his’ gold canyon again which is supposedly located along the White River and White Mountains.

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