
10 Scientific Laws Every Person Should Know

3. Evolution and Natural Selection

3We have all heard about evolution and how species evolve to adapt to their surroundings for their survival. This law comes as the scientific approach to this phenomenon. Different organisms evolved differently and developed traits in order to survive and this is known as natural selection. You adapt to the area you live in. According to Darwin, 19th century, Evolution through natural selection accounts for the tremendous diversity of life on earth.



2. Theory of General Relativity

2 The list wouldn’t be quite complete had we not included something by Albert Einstein. His theory of General Relativity is an important foundation for science and has changed the way we look at our universe. The genius told the world that space and time are not absolutes and gravity is much more than just a force being applied on a mass. He went on to describe that gravity changes the space-time around an object.  The theory laid foundations for cosmology and astrophysics and helped explain an unexpected abnormality in Mercury’s orbit, helped us understand how starlight bends and is the theoretical foundation for black holes.



1. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

1When Einstein gave his theory of relativity, it created some confusion at the theoretical science’s end as how the universe’s laws were not rigid and were able to bend and flex. This led to another great discovery in 1927 by a German scientist Werner Heisenberg. This scientist came up with his Uncertainty Principle. The gist of the principle is that you cannot at the same time know multiple properties of a particle with high precision. The principle was further explained by Niels Bohr who gave the wave-particle duality concept for electrons which told us that they act both as a wave and as a particle hence you can’t find out their position and momentum at the same time with high precision.

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