
Who Knew A Cute, Little Device Could Be The Answer To Ending Your Laziness?

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Looking for a professional help you to stay active but can’t afford your own personal human trainer? This new gadget called MOTI is destined to change the lives of lazy people with a very simple method of drawing their attention to daily tasks. Creator of the device, Kayla Mathew, shared that the goal of MOTI is to encourage people to leave laziness aside and get their tasks done. He adds that other devices such as smartphones and wearable gadgets tend to be discrete, but this is totally not the case with MOTI.

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The MOTI operates similarly to an alarm clock, but in a more silent manner. To ensure that certain tasks are completed, you must program them into the device. These tasks could be to drink water regularly, or exercise. The gadget will flash in red and vibrate to then remind you. If you bicker around to the tasks done, the frequency of the vibrations and the color intensity will increase. Once you have completed the tasks and pressed the single button on the device, it will then settle down. It is then important to leave it in a place where it can be easily seen so that you can’t ignore it. Fulfilling your tasks are not left rewarded as MOTI will change colors and provide a quieter environment when you have completed them.

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Currently, there are three prototypes of different versions of MOTI, one of them features ‘ears’, another with ‘arms’, and the last one resembling an eye. It is said that these designs will make people feel like they’re being watched and therefore motivated to leave laziness aside and get their daily tasks done.

The model is still under development and is expected to reach the market next semester.

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