
Top Ten Most Important Historical Finds

3. The Rosetta stone

The Rosetta stone is a black basalt stela that was to be about many hundreds year old, accounts suggest that it have been carved in the year 196 BC. It is an Egyptian decree carved into stone in Greek language. The stone was genuinely paced in the temple but later on was removed for some building purpose and used as a building material in a fort at the village of Rosetta. It was discovered by Captain Pierre-Francois Bouchard on July 15, 1799, during Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt. Attempts were made to decode the demotic language by Thomas Young and by a French Egyptologist Jean Francois Champollion. The discovery allowed scholars of modern era to get a foretaste of the oldest civilization, which was a mystery for the whole world. They were able to decipher the language and made great discoveries about the Ancient Egyptian language from its writing.


The Rosetta stone
The Rosetta stone


2. The Behistun Rock

Behistun Rock was discovered by an English man while on his mission to Persia. The Rock is a multilingual script which was supposed to have been written by Darius the Great in which he wrote the events followed by the death of Cyrus the Great and Cambyses II, the writing is the autobiography of Darius. Similar to the Rosetta stone, the Behistun Rock included the same format and writing style. The inscription was a conglomerate of three different languages Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian. The discovery provided many incidents of history which were unseen and hidden, provided the truth and was also a key deciphering the conglomeratic script.


The Behistun Rock
The Behistun Rock as seen from south

1. The Olduvai Gorge

The Ancient Olduvai Gorge in the Great Rift valley of Tanzania was excavated by Louis and Mary Leaky in around mid 1950s. The site is more than nine miles long and 350 feet deep and included almost 2 years of occupation.  The Gorge discovery was made by a German entomologist Wilhelm Kattwinkel while he fell into the valley chasing a Butterfly. Three different types of species have been found at Olduvai over the years which includes Australopithecus boisei, Homo habilis and Homo erectus similarly some animal remains have also been founded at this site including large antelopes, elephants, hares, guinea fowl, giraffes and hipparions. The Olduvai Gorge led to vast discoveries which strengthened that origins of humanity are in Africa. These finds gave us brief description about the lifestyle and culture, for example how these hominids lived and expanded and the foot prints found gave the notion that they walked on two feet.


The Olduvai Gorge
The Olduvai Gorge valley






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