
Top 10 Non-Lethal Weapons

3.  The Chili Grenade

3.  The Chili GrenadeInnovation of military folks never seems to stop. The Indian army came up with a clever idea, or at least they thought they did. The idea is to use Bhut Jolokia, only the hottest chili pepper in the world, in explosives that would burn the crap out of the enemy. They thought that pepper spray and tear gas is for wimps so why not use Bhut Jolokia. It is natural and free form regulations of chemical weapons and technically consumed by humans unlike other harmful chemical materials.



2.  Sticky Foam

2.  Sticky FoamThis thing comes straight out of a comic book. It is a gun that shoots super- expanding foam that dries a little too quick and ultimately incapacitates people. The U.S Army is currently using this technology in Somalia to freeze the people they choose to.



1.  The Taser Shotgun

1.  The Taser ShotgunShotgun is cool but unfortunately the court of law is not too happy if you shoot someone in the face. Tasers on the other hand is something that the court allows you to carry and even use in case of emergency. Now, thing if both of these things are combined and voila, the inception of taser shotgun. The Extended Range Electronic Projectile weapon fires shell-like electro cartridges with barbs in front that, once fired, bore deep into the target’s skin and administer a 20-second shock of 500V.  The weapon is apparently effective up to 100ft.


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