
This Cat’s Selfie Game Is Hands-Down Unbeatable By Any Human

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If you spend at least 15 minutes on your phone scrolling through Instagram everyday, it is more than likely that you have met this cat named Manny. Let’s just say that he is the world’s best ‘selfie cat’. Manny has gained the likes of many people and has gained huge internet popularity because of the flawless selfies that he snaps with a GoPro camera.

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In the photos by the furry photographer, some of his other friends including his owners four dogs are included. The cuteness however doesn’t lie in the fact that the cat and his dog friends just make a cute, peaceful family, but because Manny just can’t seem ti get his paws off the GoPro camera. As his owner says, his interest in it has him seriously hooked. Once he catches his human with the GoPro camera, it is more than likely that Manny will charge after it and use his paw to snap a selfie after striking the purrfect pose.

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Click “Next Page” for more photos!!!

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