
The Art of Making Guns from Lego.

Jack Streat is a youthful Briton who has mastered the art of making guns using Lego. All the guns that have passed through his hands are in good working conditions and many people are envying his work. Rubber bands are the other material he uses together with Lebo in accomplishing his tasks. At just 15 years of age, it is unbelievable how such a young person could come up with a complete armory that even army barracks find to be challenging.

Streat’s firearms can fire either as Lego bricks or rubber bands and are real arms. Some of his popular arms in use include Glock 17, AK-47, Steyr AUG, Tommy gun and TEC-9s which is semi-automatic. There is also a mini-gun that Streat has produced which is popularly known as obliterator. This one is powered using a battery and comes with capabilities of firing at twin speeds. The mini-gun has up to eight barrels with each barrel carrying thirteen rubber bands.

Approximately, the mini-gun can shoot 104 rounds in a span of one second. Streat usually makes his practice work with a target range that he created for practice purposes. He is on MOCpages and says; “I build guns and weapons. I hope that’s evident. On my page you’ll find all the stuff that I’ve built and uploaded in the past year, earlier than that I wasn’t actually building guns!”

The Briton has promised his followers more to come as part of gun making exercise. If you want to learn further about his art of making guns with Lebo, just interact with him in any of the mentioned platforms. Remember that he has promised to release some schematics as well as construction support later in the year.

Source: Wired

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