
Transform Your Phone Photos to Paintings with Waterlogue App

Say goodbye to Photoshop.

Thanks to the Waterlogue app, you’ll never have to bother with all the complicated stuff associated with editing photos because now you can easily turn the photos in your smartphone into fine works of art. All iOS users rejoice because for just $2.99, you can get a hold of this highly praised app that can instantly make your photos look like watercolored paintings. Simply upload any photo of your choice, choose the filter you desire, and voila! You can then proceed to upload it to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or whatever form of social media you want.

What amazes users with this app is the believability and realistic factor as though these photos were really painted. Here is a sample of a before and after photo using Waterlogue:


Painted in Waterlogue

Pretty darn cool, right? Here are some more Waterlogue-d photos below:

Painted in Waterlogue

Painted in Waterlogue

Source: Huffington Post

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