
Iron Man Suit Built With Cardboards and Fiberglass

This is not the first time that some one tried building his personal Iron Man suit. Although its not that real time flying suit which Tony Stark possesses in the movie but people are crazy for even looking like iron man. Previously, RealityPod showed you a man who build his iron man suit but this time one more crazy suit lover did a fantastic job in building his suit with cardboards and fiberglass. Pearson,44 years old is the guy who took 14 months to build this Iron Man  suit. He used 400 panels of cardboard with fiberglass to make this fancy looking suit. The suit even glows flashing lights at the eyes, hands and chest.

Unfortunately Pearson is 5 ft 6 inch tall which makes him not capable of wearing that suit, as the suit is perfectly made for a super hero body that is 6 ft 2 inches and waist of 30 inches. These are the pictures below of the suit and one in which Pearson is standing with his friend who has turned Iron Man.

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