
How to use PwnageTool for jailbreaking iPod touch 4G/3G iOS 4.3 GM?

PwnageTool bundles have been released by iH8snow, jcf and iOS developer to jailbreak iOS 4.3 GM firmware for iPod touch.

Modifying PwnageTool:

  • Find the iPod4,1_4.3_8F190.bundle file from the zip folder of downloaded PwnageTool bundle and move it to desktop.
  • Place a copy of PwnageTool 4.2 in /Applications directory and right click it to choose the option of “Show Package Contents”.
  • Copy the above file from desktop to Contents/Resources/FirmwareBundles/

Creating custom firmware:

  • Download iPod iOS 4.3 GM on the desktop.
  • Run the PwnageTool in Expert Mode and select the device iPod touch 3G, 4G.
  • Now look for the iOS 4.3 GM for iPod touch 3G/4G firmware bundle.
  • Now press the Build button to create custom firmware.
  • Switch the iPod touch to DFU mode.

Restoring custom firmware 4.3 on iPod touch 3G, 4G:

  • Open iTunes and choose the iOS device. Click the Restore button while holding alt button (Mac users) or left shift button (windows users)
  • Choose the location for the custom firmware on prompt by iTunes
  • Choose the .ipsw file and click the Open button. This leads to its automatic installation.

Tethered mode booting:

  • Extract the contents of zip file of tetheredboot utility after downloading it.
  • Make a copy of .ipsw created in above steps and give it the .zip extension.  Extract it.
  • Now open /Firmware/dfu/ and make a copy of the given files

  • Copy these and tetheredboot utility file to the desktop in the folder of tetheredboot.
  • Power off the iPod touch. Open terminal on OSx and type the following commands and type enter.

  • The code will run in terminal window and will prompt you to enter in to DFU mode. Switch to DFU mode. For few minutes terminal will keep showing the message “exiting Libpois0n”, after which you will have your tethered jailbroken iPod touch.

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