
How to Download UISettings for iOS 5 in Cydia

Recently, we let you knew that new iOS 5 jailbreak came along with third party widgets for notification center. Now, you can download UISettings in Cydia that is considered as the first third party widget for iOS 5NotificationCenter.

UISettings are, in actual, same as SBSettings but designed in the form of widget for notification center. It is easily operate able if you used SBSettings previously.

It is necessary to jailbreak your device first in order to install UISettings. Once you done, it will easily install this setting in your iOS 5 and start working as a widget right onNotificationCenter.

Here are some benefits of UISettings:

  • You can toggle device’s Wi-Fi.
  • Can ON/OFF Bluetooth and Airplane mode.
  • Can Turn Off, Restore and Re-spring your device.

Here is the process to download UISettings:

  • Download and activate iOS 5 Beta 1 on your device.
  • Restore it.
  • Jailbreak the device using Redsnow Tool.
  • After it, add this link in Cydia: 

Process completed. It’ll download UISettings and show this widget on notification center

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