
Fix iPhone alarm if it is not working

Many people are facing issues with alarm in iPhone since the New Year has dawned. This issue has been noticed throughout iPhone users. If you want to fix this issue on your phone, here is the guide which will help you in fixing iPhone alarm.

There is a software update which is yet to be issued, but you can fix your out of order iOS alarm quickly by setting a new alarm. Follow below given steps to set up a new alarm.

  • In iPhone, you will tap on the clock app, when it opens you will see alarm tab. You will now tap on alarm.
  • Here you will create a new alarm by hitting the ‘+’ button, it will open up next window where you will see repeat tab, now you have to tap this repeat tab and select every day from appeared options.
  • Now it is the place where you will set your alarm time, change the date and timings which you want to set as alarm. And save it, close the clock app and your alarm is set to new time.

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