
Enabling Automatic downloads of Music, Apps and/or Books on your iPhone

Whenever you need to make a certain purchase on different iOS devices you can easily set your iPhone or iPad to automatically download music, Apps and/or Books that you already have purchased from the other devices. But for that purpose you need to have iOS 4.3.3 and iOS 5 beta version.

You need to follow these steps in order to enable automatic downloading of Music, Apps and/or Books on your iPhone or iPad:

  1. First of all from the menu of your iPhone or iPod press the Settings application.
  2. Then in the Settings application, from the very first column select Store option.
  3. The Store options opens in Automatic downloads from where you can use the ON/OFF button for setting the newly purchased Music, Apps and/or Books from other devices. This Automatic Download option easily allows you to download other type of items from different devices.

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