
Burn a multisession CD/DVD in OS X

Burning a CD or DVD is a matter of common practice for the computer users. Mac OS X users can write a CD multiple times without having rewritable cd. This allows the user to maximize the disc utilization.

Follow the given steps to create a multisession CD.

  • Create a new folder and place all the files to be burned in that folder.
  • Select Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility.
  • Click on the file menu and select New > Disk Image from Folder.
  • It will prompt you to browse the folder containing data.
  • Press image.
  • Give the name for the disk image and specify its location where you want it to be saved.
  • Press the Save button.
  • After the image has been created, go to Disk Utility.
  • Select the Burn icon from the tool bar.
  • Browse the created image file.
  • Press the Burn button.
  • It will show up the Burn Disk dialog box. Tap on the blue drop down menu.
  • Check the box of Leave Disc Appendable.
  • Tap the burn button.

This process will burn the image to the disk. To burn another image, repeat the above process.


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