
Brilliant App Makes Thorough Health Assessments Using Just A Voice Reading

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Many of us tend to get worried when we think about our health and how our bad diet is affecting it. Because of this, we ensure that we visit the doctor regularly and if their is even a slight problem we rush to the doctor’s office again. But what if we could simply talk to our phone and be instantly told how healthy we are, the mood that we are currently in and even be provided with a diet that would best suit us? This is what an app called Kijini is promising by simply measuring the vibrations in your voice to apparently provide accurate readings of your health.

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The app which is being developed by a team that is based in Nevada works by first capturing a sample of your voice, lasting around 30 seconds, to then convert the voice note into numerical data via a mathematical algorithm. A digital graph is then created based on the information provided by the sample showing the various vocal frequencies, and how they correlate with their voice. The instant report provided will show data such as muscle strength, nutrition, energy, emotions, personality and more. You will also be provided tips on how to improve your nutrition, overcome fatigue, and even to improve your relationship.

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“Kijini can be used before and after meals, workouts, stressful events, before making health decisions, or anything that will affect your wellness,” the company said.

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The firms shares that the functionality of the Kijini app is possible because organs, glands and systems in the body ‘communicate’ with each other to maintain health and function. This communication can be identified using sound frequencies, and each organ and system emits its own keynote frequency to the nutrients and minerals needed for it to work effectively. As they put it, your body’s ‘information’ is just being essentially encoded in your voice. While a healthy person’s body system will have frequencies that would register an equal number of sound hits, an unhealthy person would have varying frequencies. You will be able to scroll through the app and view various information about yourself under the different categories, and make an assessment to ensure that you are healthy, by yourself.

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While the Kijini won’t replace a doctor’s visit as it is not designed to provide a diagnosis, it will definitely be able to help us to keep track of our daily dieting and health. If enough funding is secured on Indiegogo, the firm will launch the app in Autumn of this year. They are seeking to raise £39,000 ($60,000).

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