
10 of the Best Internet Hoaxes

Remember the tourist of death? That guy standing on the World Trade Center with a plane incoming behind him, supposedly this is the moment when 9/11 happened. That photo did a hell lot of rounds on the internet. But well, it turned out to be a hoax but it did fool many people before being torn down and declared as fake. Today, we take a look at ten such famous internet hoaxes.

No 10. Bill Gates Giving Away Money

Well, yes he is rich and he is a great philanthropist now but hey, you’ll never get any money by forwarding a chain letter. This is what happened in 1997, people were asked to forward an email to their contacts for testing a new email forward tracking system powered by Microsoft. The email said that you’ll get more money depending on how much your email gets resent by your friends. It would need to be quite a sophisticated system to keep track of such forwards.

No 9. Bill Gates Buys the Catholic Church

Quite a personality is Bill Gates. This one started in 1994 when a press release began circulating around the internet claiming that Microsoft had bought the Catholic Church. “The combined resources of Microsoft and the Catholic Church will allow us to make religion easier and more fun for a broader range of people” it quoted Gates as saying. It was so widespread and significant that eventually, Microsoft had to issue a formal denial of the release on December 16, 1994.

No 8. Gigantic Camel Spiders in Iraq

This one started in 2004 when an email started making rounds asking people to be sympathetic to the American troops in Iraq, not only because they have to be away from their families or because war zones are dangerous, but more so because they have to deal with absolutely horrifying prehistoric spiders. The email claimed that these spiders can run up to 25 miles per hour, could jump several feet in the air and could grow almost up to 1 foot in length.

This one was quite believable due to the photo that was attached with email showing some really big spiders, as it turned out it was just the angle that made them look so stupidly large.

No 7. Lonelygirl15

This was just a normal girl complaining about normal teenage problems until she started giving out details of the bizarre cult that her family was involved in. She even had a MySpace page where she would interact with her fans, but eventually people started to doubt and found out that this all was faked. It was actually a full-fledged web series created by EQAL under the working title “The Children of Anchor Cove.”


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