
DIY Ideas To Make Your Christmas Tree Unique This Year

There are many people that have decided to take Christmas to the next level by avoiding going with the traditional decorations to make their tree unique. By decorations, we especially mean the Christmas tree. While some of us may share that this is the case, there are others that might not go with the traditional looking Christmas tree with the needle leaves, regular pepper lights, and ornaments; because we can’t afford it this year, we’re too lazy, or live too close to the equator for a real tree.

Seeing that we are going to avoid the traditional tree, it is probable that we will be making the tree ourselves to save money and time to give a unique look to our tree the way we would it like to. In the past Christmas celebrations, there are people that have taken this approach. Check out the gallery of photos below that these people have shared showing their brilliant Christmas tree ideas.


1. Pac Man Christmas Tree

pac man christmas tree


2. Egg Boxes Christmas Tree

egg box christmas tree


3. Candy Christmas Tree

candy christmas tree



4. Dress Christmas Tree (Karen Elizabeth Bridal)

dress christmas tree


5. Newspaper Christmas Tree

newspaper christmas tree


6. Electric Guitar Christmas Tree

guitar christmas tree


7. Gloves Christmas Tree

gloves christmas tree


8. Chemical Christmas Tree

chemistry christmas tree


9. Bow and Peppermint Stick Christmas Tree

bow and peppermint christmas tree


10. Coloring Pencil Christmas Tree

colored pencil christmas tree


11. Beer Bottle Christmas Tree

beer bottle christmas tree



12. “I’m broke or lazy” Christmas Tree

im broke or lazy christmas tree

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