
Top 10 Forensic Science Textbooks

Forensic science typically shortened to forensics, is that the application of a wide spectrum of sciences to resolve the queries of legal system. this might be in relation to against the law or a civil action. The word forensic comes from the Latin adjective forensis, that means “of or before the forum.” In Roman times, a criminal charge meant presenting the case before a gaggle of public people within the forum.

For the Forensic interest guys here is the list of top 10 books used in the forensic science education.

10 The Forensic Casebook: The Science of Crime Scene Investigation

Author : Ngaire E. Genge

Filled with these and lots of different intriguing true stories, and packed with black and white illustrations and images, The Forensic Casebook attracts on interviews with police personnel and forensic scientists—including animal examiners, botanists, zoologists, firearms specialists, and autonomists—to uncover the vast and detailed underworking of criminal investigation. Encyclopedic in scope, this riveting, authoritative book leaves no facet of forensic science untouched

9 Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward

Summary by National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Science Commu

The benefits of improving and regulating the forensic science disciplines are clear: aiding law enforcement officers, enhancing homeland security, and reducing the danger of wrongful conviction and exoneration. Strengthening Forensic Science within the us offers a full account of what’s required to advance the forensic science disciplines, together with upgrading of systems and organizational structures, higher coaching, widespread adoption of uniform and enforceable best practices, and obligatory certification and accreditation programs.

8 Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Technologies

Author : Geberth, Vernon J. Geberth, Vernon J.

This Book is the recognized protocol used by investigative divisions of major police departments throughout the world. It is also the text used in most police academies, including the prestigious FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. It emphasizes essential procedures, combines detailed techniques with instructive case studies, and outlines the foundation on which to build a solid, prosecutable case.


7 Lab Manual for Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science

Authors : Clifton E. Meloan ,  Richard E. James , Richard Saferstein

Criminalistics is the definitive source for forensic science because it makes the technology of the modern crime laboratory clear to the non-scientist. Written by a well-known authority, the text covers the comprehensive realm of forensics and its role in criminal investigations. Physical evidence collection and preservation techniques are examined in detail-including chapters on Computer Forensics and DNA. This edition features a new chapter on crime-scene reconstruction, two lab manuals and an interactive website. By referencing real cases throughout, “Criminalistics, 10e “captures the pulse and intensity of forensic science investigations and the attention of the busiest student.

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