Most of the people face problems of slows down while upgrading their Windows to MAC. There are various ways that helps you in improving MAC computer performance and speed. Below are four methods that are most commonly used to increase computer performance. Check them right now and see speed up your MAC computer.
Shutdown and restart MAC Computer
It is good idea to shut down MAC completely and reboot again rather than sleep mode. It helps in increasing the computer energy.
Delete cache files
Cache files are those files that are stored temporary and slowed down computer speed. It is recommended to use Onyx application that is simplest way to delete temporary files.
Defragment the drive
If you are working on operating system for more than one year without reinstalling it then your drive might be seriously fragmented. “Drive Genius” application gives “Defrag” option that allows you to see defragmentation amount present on your hard drive. If you see blurring image for your drive, then use this application. After using, you will see clear image of drive. You computer will run very fast and smoothly.
Make a clean installation
If your MAC PC is still having slowdown issue, then it is best option to remove one of the backup drives and again install MAC OS X from original disk.