
Under Armour Unveils a Moving Video Aimed at Empowering Women

While adversity may deter most people from achieving their goals in life, some push and persevere until they get nothing but the recognition and acknowledgment that they deserve. Such is the life of Misty Copeland, the premier American ballet dancer and has also been known as the first African American female soloist for the American Ballet Theatre (ABT).

This video, which was sponsored by Under Armour, features Misty Copeland displaying her flawless ballet prowess with a little girl’s voice over that featured actual lines thrown at Misty during her rise to success.

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Under Armour is trying its hand at deviating from their rather masculine brand image with this powerful video that aims to inspire women to overcome adversity as they go through their road to realizing their passions and dreams in life. Watch the empowering video below:


Source: via EliteDaily

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