
Top 10 Wikimoments

5. Congress Edits Itself

In the year 2006, Wikipedia found that the entries to numerous important U.S. politicians counting Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman, California Senator Dianne Feinstein and Iowa Senator Tom Harkin — had been tainted or changed; it seems that from computers within the Capitol. Coleman’s staff admitted that it had removed the declaration that the Senator had voted with President Bush 98% of the time in 2003, while Harkin’s aids said that “They’d erased a story about the time he falsely claimed to have flown combat missions in North Vietnam. Joe Biden’s representatives also edited his page to remove references to accusations of alleged.”

4. The Birth of Lostpedia and the Rest

With the advent and success of Wikipedia the owners decided to produce something more out of single technological encyclopedia and thus the chase began to conquer all the rhyming words of dictionary to become a part of wikipedia’s ownership. Many other like lostpedia, wikitionary, scholarpedia, conservapedia, nupedia and soon came into being.

3. The Fake Death

Since Wikipedia is run by the anonymous personalities over the world and can be edited by anyone although the checks are done on it but sometimes bad entries do make their way to wikipedia. While the site has done a good job policing itself and inaccuracies are usually corrected within a few days, every now and then a flub or fake news report goes viral. From politicians like  Sens. Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd to teen sensation Miley Cyrus, many celebrities have had the inopportune familiarity of hearing rather premature reports of their demise.

2. Its Ten Millionth Article

In April, year 2008, Wikipedia proclaimed it had published its 10 millionth article. The milestone noticeable years of rapid growth for the website since publishing its one millionth article in September 2004.

1. The Founder of Wikipedia

Jimmy Wales encouraged inspection in December 2005, when technology writer Rogers Cadenhead exposed that the Wikipedia top honcho had changed his own biography several times — a performance that is usually glared upon. Cadenhead wrote on his blog, Workbench, that Wales had made changes to his bio 18 times, including deleting phrases describing former Wikipedia employee Larry Sanger as a co-founder of the site. Although the existing Wikipedia article describing how the site came about flat out says: “Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales founded Wikipedia,” there was a time that Wales felt inclined to downplay Sanger’s role in Wikipedia’s founding. Called out for his misbehaviors, Wales said that the changes were essential to elucidate and give a more announced description of the positions that each of the men played in making the site. He competes that the changes had nothing to do with the previous falling out between the two.


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