
Top 10 New Medical Technologies That Make You Live Longer

3.  Downloading Your Consciousness

3.  Downloading Your ConsciousnessThis technology comes straight out of a comic book. The notion behind this technology is that one day people will be able to live in computers for thousands of years. The idea is that a computer will have all your information on it integrated with artificial intelligence that would allow us humans to live within a computer. This is presented by a scientist Ian Pearson who is working on this technology as you are reading this article. It is said that by 2050, if you make for that long, this technology will be ready and we will have our very own silicon soul.



2.  Suspended Animation

2.  Suspended AnimationThe idea is to increase the time so that the patient can be treated within the “golden hour”. The first hour after a tragedy strikes a patient is called the golden hour. Statistics tell us that most of the battlefield deaths occur when the medical team fails to reach the patient within the first hour. This technology is aimed to pause that time, implying putting the soldier in hibernation as to prolong the time for medical teams to reach. And this is exactly what Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Texas A&M Institute for Preclinical Studies, is working on now.  Although currently they are working on squirrels and pigs, hopefully someday even humans will benefit!



1.  Whole Head and Whole Body Transplants

1.  Whole Head and Whole Body TransplantsThe brain is known to be autoimmune. What that infers is that the brain does not reject a brain as it rejects other organs such as liver or kidney. But the challenge with this technology is that it rather difficult to transplant a head, specially have to attach to the nervous system in such a way that the resulting patient is not a quadriplegic. It not easy to detach a head and then attach it again on another body however in 2001, Dr. Robert White transplanted a head of a monkey on another animal. In the future maybe this technology can be successful and voila, all you will need would be a body to attach yourself to and you could live for thousands of years.


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