
Top 10 Biggest Lies Ever Told In History

3. Clinton/Lewinsky Affair












Bill Clinton, The President of United States, publicly denied the allegations of having an affair with a White House Intern.  However, his problems had just started. Bill was sued for sexual harassment and lawyers set out to uncover the truth. They found Linda Tripp and guess who used to confide in Linda? Monica Lewinsky, the same lady that Bill had denied of having any affair. Not just denied, but denied under oath. Linda Tripp had recorded calls of Monica which were related to her affair with Bill Clinton. This scandal roared its way into the media and became quite famous. Prosecutor Kenneth Starr made Bill Clinton admit to the relationship. Senate acquitted him of charges and Bill maintained quite a high approval rating.

2. Watergate










President Richard Nixon in front almost four hundred Associated Press editors gave his famous line; ‘I am not a crook’. The lie came back to him later on and resulted in Nixon giving his resignation and ultimately letting Jimmy Carter become the President. The matter was pertaining 5 men who broke into the Watergate Hotel. It was hypothesized that the burglars were ordered to wiretap the phones there. The investigation soon turned into a question whether Mr. President knew, ordered or tried covering up this act. Later, it was revealed that White House conversations had been recorded and Nixon refused to give up his tapes until Supreme Court ordered him to do so. This new evidence implicated Nixon in the covering up of this particular act. America’s politics were scarred badly because of this.

1. The Big Lie: Nazi Propaganda











Adolf Hitler came up with the ‘Final solution’ which was to simply execute all Jews on the face of planet Earth. He convinced people of Germany that Jews were their enemies by spreading lies about Jews. He blamed Jews for all problems of the German nation and even came up with the lie about ritual killing of Christian children by Jews. This resulted in the creation of ‘The Big Lie’. Supposedly, People believe what they are told again and again and also if a lie is big enough, not many will reject it. Infact, the bigger the lie the higher is the chance of people accepting it. This theory can prove helpful if you are interested in uncovering more lies that have been told throughout the history.


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