
These 10 Candles Might Be The Most Creative Things Ever Made

burning human candle

Most, if not all of us, would know that before light bulbs, candles served as the most convenient way of lighting up homes. Lightbulbs may have replaced the candles when it comes on to being the most convenient method of lighting, but they surely haven’t replaced the candles for being one of the most suitable items for creating a cozy or intimate atmosphere.

burning human candle 2

As candles have come a long way, many designers even from the way back eras would have gotten the chance to play around with the beauty of the wax that they are able to carve to transform them into delightful pieces of art. While some artists chose to carve the wax, others have decided to embed tiny sculptures into the middle of the wax, where the candle’s wick may be, to allow the exciting image of the sculpture to be revealed as the candle melts down to a liquid form.

Candles are simply an exciting piece of art. Check out a few of the most creative candle designs that were ever made below.


1. Spine Candle

spine candle



2. Hand Gesture Candles

hand gesture candles


3. Plug-In Candles

plug-in candles


4. Crayon Candles

crayon candles


5. Lightbulb Candle

lightbulb candle


6. Candle With A Matchesbox For Convenience

matchesbox candle


7. Multiple Wick Candle

multiple wick candle


(Click on image to see the GIF.)


8. Watermelon Candle

watermelon candle


9. Shadow Art Candle

shadow art candle



10. Emotions Revealed Candle

emotions revealed candle

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