
Stay Warm At Night With This Indoor Tent That Fits Over Your Bed

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We all have once looked at our heating bill and wished that we could find some way to cut it down without having to sacrifice comfort. This sort of help is here as a company that specializes in developing outdoor gear has reinvented their gears to suit the indoors. Since 2013, iKamper has made strides in releasing great products for the outdoors on the market. It’s newest addition to its collection, Room in Room, however suits to those of us who need a little help with warmth inside.

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The concept of the Room in Room is to create an enclosed space around you when you are sleeping on your bed. Its bottom-less feature allows it to be fitted over your mattress, appearing like a regular tent, but with a bed for its base. Warmth is offered as it covers the entire bed like a dome, blocking cold air from entering and the heat from your body trapped inside. The tent’s material is made of a bespoke high-density polyester cotton blend called Tretron Cotton. Each of its corners is also equipped with a rubber band to make room for extra flexibility just in case your mattress is slightly larger than the standard size.

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The tent’s design includes polyurethane windows of 0.3 mm and its frame is made of fiberglass and aluminium 601 alloy. To ensure that the air inside is fresh while being kept warm, the top of the tent is equipped with a vent to circulate the air but still keep it warm inside.

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A reduced heating bill and warmth however aren’t the only things that the Room in Room brings as it comes with accessories to make being in bed more enjoyable. According to one of the creators, Jennifer, the inside of the Room in Room features a private work station with an adjustable lap top stand that can also convert into a desk when necessary; and a screen holder made of clear poly urethane that enables touch control, and does not hinder the screen quality and adheres to the phone screen. So there you have it, a work station and a theater for entertainment.

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iKamper is running a Kickstarter campaign that is raising $10,000 and pledges start at $60 for the first $30 single-bed units. The first units will be shipped in January if the campaign is successful. When it is released on the market, a single will cost $100 while a double will cost $114.

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