
“SQUARE” For iPhone & iPad- Compact & Versatile Credit Card Mobile Device

A device called “SQUARE” has been developed by Square Inc. of Irvine, California.  The key function of the device to perform “Credit Card” transactions and I must say that it is a pretty cool mobile device.  The best part of this device is its versatility and the ease of taking it with you wherever you go to transact business and instantaneously. Because of the small size of the device, it is extremely easy to carry it with you in your purse, wallet, and even your pocket.

It’s incredible for iPhone 4, IPad and iPhone 3GS!! It also works well with a lot of mobile devices like Android.  Following are the pros and cons of the “SQUARE” in brief:

  • Pros
    Fast and simple setup. Broad device support. Card Case makes buying easy. Compact, easy-to-use hardware. No fixed per-transaction fee.
  • Cons
    Reader doesn’t always recognize card on the first swipe in our tests.

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